Unlocking a Verizon phone Julian Chokkattu/Digital Trends With that information, here’s how each carrier handles unlocking your phone. Overseas deployment papers, for military personnel who want to unlock the phone before the contract expires.A completed contract and/or device payment plan.
Unlocking software for cell phones password#

Account holder’s name and account number.Even if you’re not planning on using your old phone when you leave, who knows when you might need it in the future? While procedures vary, there’s a list of information you’ll generally need to unlock your phone, so you can keep it handy before you start. No matter how challenging the unlocking procedure gets, it’s a good idea to unlock your phone before you leave your current carrier because it will likely prove even tougher after your contract has run out. The difficulty of unlocking a phone can vary based on the carrier, and what is a straightforward process with one can be a pain with another. Unlocking a phone that’s come off contract should be second nature, and you will find it’s worth the effort. Unlocked phones are generally worth more than locked ones.
Unlocking software for cell phones full#
On the Apple side, if you paid for your iPhone in full upon purchase, then it’s probably unlocked already. It’s generally a good idea to unlock your phone when it goes off-contract. The process can be tedious and differs depending on the provider, so we’ve broken down the steps for each one. AT&T, Boost Mobile, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, Virgin Mobile, Xfinity, and many more offer unlocking services. While most cell phone operators offer unlocking services after you’ve fully paid off your phone and all installments, or your contract term has expired, it doesn’t always happen automatically. Don’t worry - it’s completely legal to do. If you’re looking to switch providers or just hoping to add some value when selling your phone, unlocking it is a must. Unlocking your phone means that you can switch carriers if you’re dissatisfied with the service, move to a different region, are traveling, or want to keep your old handset when you change networks.

iPhone error message? Here’s what to do.